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The Gunung Buda Project

Expedition Photos

See Andy Porter's Expedition Photos (as of 4/22)

Gunung Buda Expedition 2000

Borneo Caving - Online Education Project

Gunung Buda Expedition Publications


The Gunung Buda Project: Founded in 1996, the Gunung Buda Project seeks to protect and preserve the Gunung Buda (White Mountain) Massif on the island of Borneo in Sarawak, Malaysia as a Malaysian National Park. This outstanding region of lowland tropical rain forest has fantastic caves including some of the longest and deepest caves in Southeast Asia. The project is primarily made-up of American and British cavers and cave scientists who enjoy cave exploration, survey, photography and research. Most of the project members are also members of the National Speleological Society (NSS). The Gunung Buda Project is a project of the NSS.

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Mulu Foot Page
The Borneo Saga
Borneo Log
Borneo Caving Photo Gallery

Of tremendous importance to the success of the Project and expeditions that visit Gunung Buda are the many Malaysians who either work for the Forestry Department of Sarawak, nearby Gunung Mulu National Park, or are local Tabuan people or who are employed by our Outfitter, Tropical Adventures. Malaysians act as guides through the local jungles and caves, assist with the cave surveys and research and on the 1997 expedition saved the lives of a television crew that fell into a deep pool of turbulent water. Our hosts have provided us with many fine meals harvested from the tropical forests and have set us straight on the dangers of the jungle and caves.

The Gunung Buda Area was first visited by British cavers in 1984. They found the entrances and initial passages to several large caves. These explorers were part of a larger effort investigating the caves further south in what would become Gunung Mulu National Park. This area has some of the world's most amazing caves including Clearwater, the tenth longest cave in the world, Deer Cave the largest cave passage in the world, and the Sarawak Chamber the largest cave room in the world, which is roughly a half mile long, a quarter mile wide and has a 400-foot-high ceiling. Americans first visited Gunung Buda when John Lane and George Prest visited the mountain to assess its potential for an American expedition in 1993. In late 1994 and early 1995 the first American expedition took place. Other followed in 1996 and 1997. Collectively the expeditions have surveyed more than 60 kilometers of cave passages beneath Gunung Buda.

Photo by Dave Bunnell

The rain forests of Buda and nearby Mulu host a tremendous diversity of life including at least 300 birds species, numerous primates, more than 2,500 tree species, more than 60 snakes and many other beautiful varied forms of life. The climate is wet year around and temperatures climb into the mid-80s Fahrenheit every day. Changes in substrate, slope, elevation and drainage make the forests of the area particularly varied. At Gunung Buda, limestone forest, lowland dipterocarp forests, kerangas swamp forests and upland dipterocarp forests all grow.

               - Joel Despain

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All text and pictures copyright the Gunung Buda Project 1995 - 2000

Send comments, suggestions and inquiries to: apfrantz@pwpconsult.com

Page last updated 12/3/00