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Gunung Buda Expedition 2000

The Camp Staff

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Our Malaysian Colleagues

The logistics of staging a six week expedition in untamed tropical jungle, miles from the nearest town, are formidable. The Gunung Buda Project relies on Tropical Adventures to set up and manage our camp. Without the support of this able outfitter, each Gunung Buda Project Expedition could only have achieved a small fraction of its actual accomplishments. Here then, is an introduction to that wonderful staff.

Chua Eng Hin

Chua is Expedition's Limbang Coordinator. He deals with the airlines, the boat company, picks people up, delivers them, procures supplies, and generally takes care of all town side organization. He also drives people to Star Gate in his Land Cruiser, and occasionally comes all the way to camp. Without Chua, Buda Camp would not exist.

Jacob Melai

Jacob Melai, our able camp manager, keeps everything running smoothly. He maintains communication by cell phone with town, and can often be seen standing in the road outside camp with the cell phone to his ear. He arranges transportation into and out of camp, orders supplies, and is in frequent communications with Chua.

Jacob is a Barawan, and has been working in the Gunung Mulu National Park for many years, as a tour guide. In 1977 & 1978, he worked as a field assistant with the scientist on the first expedition to Gunung Mulu National Park, organized by the Royal Geographical Society.

Papa Gayo

Papa Gayo is our esteemed cook. He is up every day before dawn to get breakfast on the table and pack lunches so that we can get into the field before the heat of the day. For those who stay in camp for day, there is often some hot lunch and an afternoon snack. Dinners are mostly Malay, with an occasional western dinner. Curries, stir-frys, and exotic stews, with vegetables over rice. Sometimes fruits and vegetables are gathered right here in the jungle, such as wild rambutan or wild fern. Papa Gayo is also father to five children,

Cheyenne Moris

Cheyenne is a "Jack of All Trades" camp helper. He helps in the kitchen, washes dishes, and maintains camp equipment such as the generator. When Cheyenne is not busy supporting expeditions, he works as a free lance artist. His pictures of local critters, native peoples and cavers have captured the imagination of all of us. The drawing he is holding portrays one of the local lizards, using an ink-dot techniques (stippling).

Christopher Ningkan

Chris is our other "Jack of all Trades". In addition to his camp responsibilities, Chris has participated in many cave trips, and is becoming an accomplished caver. Chris also sports an amazing collection of tattoos.

Andrew "the Silent" Libau

Andrew is our driver. He and the trusty Toyota Land Cruiser pickup truck are kept busy hauling cavers on barely passable logging roads to bring them as close as possible to their destinations, and to pick them up wet and muddy at the end of the day. Andrew also makes the hour plus trip to Star Gate, to drop off and pick up travelers, and to haul in fresh supplies.

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Send comments, suggestions and inquiries to: apfrantz@pwpconsult.com

Page last updated 3/8/00